Thursday, July 24, 2003

...i love it and i hate it! i "needed" a 4 year old birthday present & aloe vera for my sun burn, $70 later we left. andy & the boys went with me last night which although very unusual, explains everything! as we were getting in the suburban to go home clay said that we should take daddy every time! i quickly objected. as i was searching for the aloe vera the boys were sitting in the two seater shopping cart but they could see andy looking for something serveral aisles away. they began to yell out things like, "andy, what are you doing?" & "daddy, come on!". when i finished my search and all of target knew that some guy named andy was taking a long time getting whatever it was he needed, i opened my mouth to ask a stupid question that i regretted before it even came out..."andy, what are you looking for?". as he started to walk calmly toward us he held up in the air whatever he had decided to purchase and then yelled out, "i found the hemmroid cream!"