"it is only august!"
...this is what my sweet mother-in-law said to me as we shopped for three new car seats this past weekend. andy was in a minor car accident last friday and we needed to replace the seats for the second time this year, the first time was when they were stolen in our last suburban in january. anyone top this--6 new car seats in 7 months??--no cheating, you can't have septuplets or anything! our beautiful, sweet daughter celebrated her 1 st birthday with a bubble party (her brothers' idea-cause they make her giggle!). she is not a baby anymore--walking, talking, laughing, and even getting annoyed and pushing her daddy away when he kisses her too much--she has officially become a toddler! everyone is asking if clay is starting kindergarten and well since he can cut shapes, tie his shoes and write his name we decided to homeschool! honestly that is not at all the reason we made this decision but that is an entirely separate blog--but clay and i both have been having a lot of fun this past year learning how to read (ok so i know how to read but you get the picture)!
girls night out #2--friday, september 10th @ jillians--see cheryl or myself for details!
much ado about nothing
To love another person is to see the face of God. --Les Miserables