Friday, June 20, 2003

promoting my blog! yikes!
...thanks for the plug on your blog for my blog, my love. up until now i was confident that you were the only one reading it and now i have that unsettling feeling that strangers are reading my journal! i realize that you are comfortable exposing yourself but i on the other hand was not ready to go public (you were going to help me create an original look for my blog so it appeared as if i knew what i was doing in this computer world, remember??).

Thursday, June 19, 2003

the bank, shoes & the doctor's office husband and i own our own business so i often go to the drive-up teller at the bank to make deposits$$. i don't know if any of you have had the pleasure of experiencing the drive-up tellers but if you do you know there is that one tense moment when you and the car next to you pull up at the same time and face off to see who can get their transaction into the tube first and win the race into the tellers hand. if your the loser, i guess it takes minutes off your day and this is bad! impatient people in lines along with men & women who buy matching shoes & doctors that make you wait in their office with two young, hungry children--really bother me!! this was my day--but i succeeded in teaching my children patience i guess :)

Saturday, June 14, 2003

"SUPERDAD" son clay (4 1/2) wants to know everything there is to know about superheroes (superman, batman & spiderman)--we have all the action figures, check out all the library books and so on!! when we read adventurous stories together he will always tell me who is the villian and who is the hero. when he asked me if he could draw a "superdad" picture for a father's dad card i was so thankful for his daddy, his hero. when i asked him what makes daddy a "superdad", he simply says, "he loves me so much even when he his mad and he protects us and makes sure that we don't die, that's all". (ok, so he's the actor in our house but i still think it is profound!) what makes my husband a "superdad" hero to me? it is as simple to me as it is to clay, without even knowing he shows our boys the love of their heavenly Father through his forgiveness, unconditional love and provision for his children. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY--to my hero!